We’re moving

Find us at our new home

Rommil Santiago
Nov 10, 2020
Find us at: ExperimentNation.com

Hi all!

We’ve decided to pack it all up and move Experiment Nation over to a new provider. We’ll still continue to interview great Experimenters from around the world — things will just look a little different.

You’ll continue to find all our past content here, but we’ve also moved them over to our new home.

Why are we moving? To be honest — for more flexibility. Our new home gives us more freedom design-wise and functionality-wise. That, and we get to build a better brand around Experiment Nation (rather than building up Medium’s).

Bookmark this address: ExperimentNation.com

See you there!




Rommil Santiago

Collaborating across functions to tackle new initiatives, stand up new practices, and achieve lofty goals for the last 15 years.